Installing Paint
If you are using Fedora or Ubuntu, you can install Paint with just a few commands in your terminal.
The Paint software package is provided through the @esrille/releases Copr project. To enable this Copr project, execute the following command:
sudo dnf copr enable @esrille/releases
After enabling the Copr project, install the Paint package using the following command:
sudo dnf install esrille-paint
The Paint software package is provided from the esrille/releases PPA repository. To enable this PPA repository, execute the following command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:esrille/releases
After updating the PPA repositories, install the Paint package using the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install esrille-paint
Building Sources
To build and install Paint manually, run the following commands:
git clone
cd paint/
./ --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
To uninstall Paint, run the following command:
sudo make uninstall