
Build and Install

To build and install Hiragana IME from the source code, enter the following commands into a terminal:

git clone
cd ibus-hiragana
meson setup --prefix /usr _build [-Denable-dic=false] [-Denable-html=false] [-Dpython=python3]
ninja -C _build
ninja -C _build install

With meson setup, you can specify the following options:

Refer to Build-Depends in debian/control or BuildRequires in ibus-hiragana.spec for the packages required for building the Hiragana IME.

If you are using Fedora, you can use the following command to install the required packages:

sudo yum-builddep ibus-hiragana.spec

If you are using Ubuntu, you can use the following command to install the required packages:

sudo apt build-dep .

Unit Testing

Hiragana IME runs within a local Python virtual environment (venv). You need to run tests within this venv. You also need to install additional components to use LLM for testing some tests.

To run tests, enter the following commands into a terminal:

source ~/.local/share/ibus-hiragana/venv/bin/activate
meson test -C _build --verbose


To uninstall Hiragana IME that is built from the source code, enter the following command into a terminal:

sudo ninja -C _build uninstall

ninja does not remove the directory /usr/share/ibus-hiragana with the uninstall command. To remove this directory, enter the following command into a terminal:

sudo rm -rf /usr/share/ibus-hiragana