Key Bindings

The Hiragana IME uses the following key bindings.


  1. When using Kana input, several keys may be used differently. Refer to each specific Kana keyboard layout.
  2. Some Japanese keyboards replaces 変換 and 無変換 keys with [あ] and [A] keys respectively. With Hiragana IME, [あ] and [A] keys can be used as 変換 and 無変換 keys.

Key Bindings for Changing Input Mode

Japanese Keyboard US Keyboard Action
Caps Lock Toggle between Alphanumeric mode and Hiragana mode.
Enter Hiragana mode.
無変換 Enter Alphanumeric mode.
Shift+カタカナ Enter Katakana mode.
Shift+無変換 Enter Full-width Alphanumeric mode.
Ctrl+無変換 Toggle among Hiragana mode, Katakana mode, and Full-width Katakana mode.

Key bindings in Hiragana Mode

Japanese Keyboard US Keyboard Action
変換 Space Convert the characters before the cursor.
Shift+変換 Shift+Space Convert the characters before the cursor into kanji with okurigana.
Space Space
Prerequisite: There should be no characters that can be converted to Kanji or Katakana before the cursor.
Insert a full-width space.
Right Shift
Right Shift Convert characters before the cursor into katakana. Each time you press the key, a hiragana character before the cursor is replaced with the corresponding katakana.
Note: Right Shift key can be used as a normal shift key by pressing other keys simultaneously.

In an application that does not support the surrounding text features, the Hiragana IME also uses the following key bindings:

Japanese Keyboard US Keyboard Action
Enter Enter Enter the current pre-edit text.
Esc Esc Cancel the current pre-edit text.

Key Bindings during Conversion

Japanese Keyboard US Keyboard Action
Tab Tab Move the beginning of the word boundary to the right.
Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Move the beginning of the word boundary to the left.
Enter Enter Enter the current candidate.
Note: If you continue entering characters, the current candidate is automatically entered without typing the Enter key.
Esc Esc Cancel the current conversion and revert to hiragana.
Note: When entering rōmaji, the entire pre-edit text is canceled.

The candidate window appears near the cursor when there are two or more candidates. Use the following key bindings for candidate selection:

Japanese Keyboard US Keyboard Action
Move the selection down.
Move the selection up.
Page Up Page Up Go to the previous page of candidates.
Page Down Page Down Go to the next page of candidates.